Monthly Archives: May 2013


Cute Baby Spiders!

Cute Baby Spiders!

I decided, freely, herby and herewith to dedicate this and some following day(s) to the kingdom of animalia and others and will post one or more, or even a completely different number of, pictures of something alive.

The exact species of the spiders depicted above is unknown to me (Most probably Araneus spp., maybe even an A. diadematus?), so if you know more: feel free to spare your knowledge. The colors should be a bit more yellowish but not much. You may take the dandelion seed at the lower right a for scale.

Flickr with a new design! Brocken, of course…

While I browsed through the “ruhrpott” group at Flickr, an active group with already over 30,000 pictures, when suddenly I got a slightly changed design and the “justified” display instead of my preferred “large thumbnails” and furthermore it started at page 1 instead of page 316 which i have asked for and no matter what I tried, it was not possible to get the large thumbnail display at the page 316. You seem to be unable now to jump to a different page directly, only by clicking on the page-links at the bottom which makes not much sense if you want to reach a page farther away than 10 or 15.

The search results on the other side have much larger thumbnails now, but do not seem to offer anything else. And the search forgets if you changed “relevant” to “recent”.

Let’s see if they get it and repair it.

Shopping List

Pommes Schranke

Pommes Schranke

If you want a portion of french fries here in the Ruhr-area you need to utter the easy to remember term: “Eimma Pommes Schranke, bittä!” Yes, as easy as that! But it might get a bit more complicated as explained in the following paragraph:

You might get asked the following in return: “Pilsken beie Schranke?” which translates, roughly, as “Do you want a nice cold Pilsener with the fries?”. The accepted answer is either a short: “Jupp!” (“Yes, please!”) or a more elaborated: “Dachtesse ich würch die Fritten trocken runter, oder watt?!” (“I really appreciate your offer, even if slightly redundant, and accept it with great joy and pleasure!”). You might reject it with: “Nä, lass ma, muß noch faahn.” (“No, thank you but I might risk my drivers licence if I get caught again.”) or something of a similar kind of a distinctly lame excuse.