Category Archives: Drawing

Doodling V: Lack of Backsight

Wrong orientation

Wrong orientation

This was the first sketch for the picture here. All that work, the whole twenty minutes, wasted! Why? Because I failed to recognize that the chosen frame was a former mirror and hence had the hanger on the short side. As it always happens in such situations: it was a cheap frame, everything was glued in place and would have needed way too much work to change. More work, in fact, than the effort to just redo the sketch in a different orientation.
And all that for such a lame lark.
By the way: the dark spots had been done with a very soft graphite pencil but the deep black parts have been done with a charcoal pencil. It just cannot be done in graphite.

Nudes I

Looking for the hidden treasures

Looking for the hidden treasures

A fast sketch for testing the scanner. This scanner is a very old Plustek ( OpticPro 9636 T) one that connects via the parallel port. It took me some time to get it running under Debian Squeeze but only with the 600dpi resolution and full colour. One full scan (a bit larger than DIN A 4 but not much) takes 20 minutes and has a massive blue tint. Good enough for B&W drawings but my poor little computer needs even more time to handle these large files.