Monthly Archives: October 2012

Unsolicited help

Dana Hunter made some nice pictures of stones-if I might be so ignorant in this case and in this case only-here. I took one of these pictures (the corner of a sandstone pillar) and tried The Gimp for a bit of enhancement to the visibility of the stone’s structure. Could not call it a complete failure, but could be better. Continue reading


Felis silvestris catu (vicinae)


…another picture of the neighbor’s cat.
I’m working at the description of the mathematics of Borwein’s trick of calculating the factorial. It should be as simple as possible, of course, but not more. Currently I’m tending a bit too much to the latter.
So back now to the infinite field of finite fields.
Mmh…are there countable infinite many finite fields or more?


Felis silvestris catu (vicinae) in watercolor

Felis silvestris catu (vicinae) in watercolor

Not a complete failure; it is a cat, even identifiable (“Hey, that’s my Peter!”) but still not what I was able to do some twenty years ago. Such a long pause is definitely not good for anything that needs a steady amount of training. The old saying “A picture a day holds you on pay”* is not one of the most idiotic proverbs, although it comes close if you ask some of the not-extremly-famous artist.
Some people like to know all of the gory details, so here they are: it is painted on a 30x40cm size 220g/sqm cold-press paper. Some repairs have been made with acrylics (the black spot on the back has seen three to five work-overs and I still don’t like it) namely iron oxide and titanium oxide. The titan-white has been used for the lights, too, as acrylics seem to do a better job than gouache for the lights.
Oh, and yes: 220g paper is too light for large wet-on-wet washes. Even with a heavy glass plate laid on top of the paper the large crimps are still visible.
The quality of the picture is bad, I know. It is the same cheap digi-snapper I’ve done all the pictures on this blog with.

* Yep, I admit it: I made that up.